One common question is: Can dogs eat corn tortillas? Yes, dogs can eat a corn tortillas, although it should be given sparingly in the diet of the dog.  This is a question that many dog owners have asked themselves at one point or the other about feeding their dogs. The answer to the question will be discused in detail in this article.

What Are Corn Tortillas?

Corn tortilla is a type of flat bread or more precisely thin unleavened cake made from white cornmeal. They have become an essential part of people’s diets because of ubiquity and are tightly connected with Mexican culture. That food made using corn tortillas is preferred because of the flavor and other uses that the corn food has. However, are they safe for the pets, specifically dogs?

Ingredients in Corn Tortillas

If corn tortillas are suitable for dogs or not depends on what they are made of, which is why we should take a closer look at their ingredients. Traditional corn tortillas contain:

  • Cornmeal
  • Water
  • Salt

As for these basic ingredients, they cannot be considered as toxic for dogs. Yet, depending on the type of preparation, some bought tortillas may contain some other enhancing compounds. Carryout a check on the different packages for the presence of any unwanted additives.

Are Corn Tortillas Safe for Dogs?

As a rule, plain corn tortillas in moderate amounts are not hazardous to your dog’s health. However, they are not meant to be included as everyday meals in the dog’s diet. Here are some factors to consider:Here are some factors to consider:

Nutritional Value

Corn Masa and Corn Tortillas are empty calories that benefit the dog in no way. They hardly contain such basic nutrient dense foods such as protein, vitamins and minerals. Dogs are friendly animals and they need to be fed on balanced diet in order to be healthy. Corn tortillas do not have nutritive value as required.

Caloric Content

For this reason, corn tortillas have calories that can lead to addition of some weight once they are consumed. Obese dogs are equally prone to getting diseases which include diabetes and joint complications. Namely, it is required to control the caloric balance of your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Corn Tortillas: Risks of Feeding Corn Tortillas to Dogs

Some of the dangers of feeding your dog corn tortillas include; Here are a few potential issues:Here are a few potential issues:


There are cases of dogs which may be allergic to the consumption of corn. Some of the signs that may develop when one is allergic to corn are itching, skin redness and stomach up settling. You should cease feeding your dog corn tortillas if you notice any of these symptoms in your dog.

Digestive Issues

Although corn is a type of grain that is safe to feed a dog, corn tortillas are something that a dog will have a tough time chewing and digesting. They can make and stomach upset, fullness, or diarrhoea. Lastly, if you have a sensitive stomach then should ensure that your dog does not take corn tortillas.

High Sodium Content

It should be noted that some of the corn tortillas contain high amount of salt. Nonetheless, overdosage of salt has been known to cause health issues in dogs, for example, hypertension and/or heart disease. In case you considered offering your dog corn tortillas ensure that go for low-sodium products only.

How to Safely Give Corn Tortillas to Your Dog

If you decide to give your dog corn tortillas, follow these tips to ensure their safety:If you decide to give your dog corn tortillas, follow these tips to ensure their safety:

Small Portions

Alway ensure that corn tortillas are served in small proportions. In moderation, in other words, a pleasure which is measured as a breadcrumb is the best choice.

Check Ingredients

It is crucial that you ensure that none of the ingredients formulated in the making of tortillas is poisonous. Tortillas should be used without added spices, preservatives, or any other types of flavors.

Monitor Your Dog

Try to observe any signs of allergies and even digestion problems in your body. In case you find some of the symptoms in your dog, you should cease feeding him corn tortillas.

Healthier Alternatives to Corn Tortillas

It is important that you know of the many healthier treats for your dog other than corn tortillas. Here are some options:

  • Carrots
  • Apple slices (without seeds)
  • Blueberries
  • Green beans
  • Pumpkin

These chaps contain nutrients required in the diet and are harmless to most dogs. It is also important that new foods should be incorporated into the diet gradually especially when they are new to the child.

Frequently Asked Questions: Can Dogs Eat Corn Tortillas

Can Dogs Safely Eat Corn Tortillas?

Corn tortillas are generally safe but should be given in moderation.

Are Corn Tortillas Toxic To Dogs?

No, corn tortillas are not toxic to dogs.

How Often Can Dogs Eat Corn Tortillas?

Dogs should only have corn tortillas occasionally, as a treat.

Do Corn Tortillas Benefit A Dog’s Health?

Corn tortillas provide minimal nutritional value for dogs.

Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Corn Tortillas

Hope, by reading the whole article, you have got an idea about “Can dogs eat corn tortillas?” Getting back to our main question of whether dogs can eat corn tortillas, the answer to that would be yes. Yes, however, that is sparingly and from time to time. Per se corn tortillas are actually corn tortillas with no worm,MeasureSpec’s plain corn tortillas are not toxic to dogs. Nevertheless, they lack nutritional values that would benefit the body in a big way. It is always important to observe your dog after administering any medication for possible bad side effects. There are better options, which equally satisfy the dogs and make them better in health.